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37. Twelve GP

Teaser: In which the Captain and Cheryl discuss the likelihood of finding twelve GP, which is largely dependent on circumstance.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Cheryl, Terry


Cheryl: Why were you trying to leave town anyway? Do you know where the Hero went?

Captain: Doesn't matter, he already sold the armour.


Ranger: But the merchant won't give it back unless I pay him twelve GP.

Cheryl: TWELVE?! I've never even SEEN that much money!


Captain: Nobody has, except our friend the Ranger here.

Ranger: The Hero got more than twelve GP fighting monsters in one day.


Cheryl: So if you had your armour, you could afford to buy your armour, but then you wouldn't need to, because you'd have it.

Cheryl: Boy, it's a real day for conundrums.