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105. Cave

Teaser: In which the Thief reveals that his daughter may be in a cave in the town, which Cheryl finds suspicious.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Cheryl, Thief, Terry


Thief: Cheryl, if you'll stop yelling for two seconds, I think I know where my daughter is.

Cheryl: You what? How are you just mentioning this NOW?!

Cheryl: Yelling, right, sorry.


Thief: There's a cave connected to the jail that we never fully explored when we were searching for the King's ring.

Cheryl: What, really? She's still in town?!

Captain: How do you know she's there?


Thief: An old man in the park told us he saw her being carried down there.

Captain: Pete knew this whole time and didn't say anything? I'll kill that smug old vagrant!


Cheryl: Wait, why is there a cave connected to the jail? Isn't the point of a jail that you can't go anywhere?

Captain: Umm... ancient ruins?