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106. Excuses

Teaser: In which the Thief makes excuses for not rescuing his daughter.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Cheryl, Thief, Terry


Cheryl: Why are you standing around? Go rescue your daughter!

Thief: I can't just charge down there with a dagger and a vest, Cheryl. I don't even have my armour!

Cheryl: Not your armour.


Thief: We'll need to make a plan, recruit a party, and equip ourselves as best we can. You don't just go poking around a cave by yourself.


Thief: I need to rest up, too. I'm no use to anyone when I'm at half health. Can you spot me 2 GP for the Inn?

Cheryl: I don't have 2 GP! And if I did I sure as hells wouldn't give it to you!


Terry: There IS somewhere you can sleep, though. Come on, it's pretty much cleaned up.

Cheryl: You're seriously inviting the guy who stole his armour to sleep in the Ranger's bed? That's messed up.