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142. Springhaven

Teaser: In which the Ranger talks about Springhaven, the local rival they didn't even know they had.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Cheryl, Ranger, Terry


Cheryl: What's so great about this Springhaven anyway? What do they have that we don't?

Ranger: It's the same, mostly, they just have slightly better versions of the same stuff.


Ranger: And more expensive. The inn there costs five GP a night.

Cheryl: FIVE? For one night?!

Ranger: And the Innkeeper looks exactly like the Captain.


Terry: You got to sleep in an inn? What was it like?

Ranger: I... don't know? The last thing I remember is the Hero talking to the Innkeeper and then I blacked out till morning.


Ranger: There's only one bed in the room, so I guess he took the bed and we slept on the floor?

Cheryl: You need to talk to your guild rep. Every time you mention the Hero you describe a new grievance.