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144. Repeating

Teaser: In which Terry asks the Ranger if he noticed the day repeating, which you might think would be hard to miss, but you'd be wrong.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Cheryl, Ranger, Terry


Terry: Say, did you notice anything weird the last few days?

Ranger: Weird how?

Terry: Like the same day kept happening, and each time it restarted you'd suddenly be back where you were the previous morning.


Ranger: I guess it's possible.

Terry: You don't know?


Ranger: It's hard to say, most of my days ended with dying, and then I'd wake up in the church and it would be morning.

Cheryl: You also had to keep repeating the same tasks every time, if you wanted it to be done.


Ranger: Again, hard to say. We went the same places every day, killed the same monsters, or got killed by them.

Ranger: It wasn't exactly boring, because of the pain and terror, but it WAS monotonous.