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204. Look Around

Teaser: In which Lizzy wants to have a look around in the Ranger's Inventory, and is not easily deterred.

SIDE GATE EXTERIOR Terry, Ranger, Lizzy


Lizzy: Could y'put me in yer Inventory?

Ranger: What? No!


Lizzy: Why not? I ain't much bigger'n all that other kit what's in there already. I jus' wanna nose around a bit, see what's what.

Ranger: It doesn't work like that.


Lizzy: So how's it work then?

Ranger: I don't know! Maybe it's a portal to the void. You might die!

Lizzy: So send Terry then, y'already tried t'off him once an' had it come to naught.

Terry: Hey!


Ranger: The Hero always managed it. I only just figured out how to get my bow out, do you want to be stuck in there forever?

Lizzy: Be a damned fine hidin' spot too, if'n th'guards come snooping around an' the like. Y'could even carry a lady right by 'em an' nobody th'wiser.

Ranger: I'm not carrying you around!