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216. Answer

Teaser: In which the Ranger and Terry find someone who gives them an answer, although they don't like it.

MARKET EXTERIOR Ranger, Terry, Susan, Emma, Pete


Ranger: Pete! You like science, don't you?

Pete: Well now, that question seems loaded fair to break an axle.


Ranger: I shot Terry here with an arrow, and it just bounced off.

Terry: Twice!

Ranger: Twice, right. So now we want to see if it's just Terry who's invincible, or if it's everyone.


Pete: Are you asking to shoot me with an arrow? Absolutely not.

Ranger: I can shoot Terry again if it'll help convince you.

Terry: Or YOU could shoot me!


Pete: Our farming alumnus here must be invulnerable because he's essential to the story. I'm not willing to gamble that my own self is as indispensable.

Ranger: What story?! If you're saying no just say no.