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221. Suicidal

Teaser: In which the Ranger discovers that a background character is suicidal, but not irrational.

TAVERN INTERIOR Ranger, Captain, Terry, Cheryl, Phil


Phil: You can aim for my throat if you'd rather, just make it quick.

Ranger: I don't want to kill you, I'm trying to prove that you CAN'T be killed!


Phil: You were gonna shoot me before, just pretend I didn't say anything. Either way one of us gets what they want.

Ranger: This is really weird.

Phil: How is it weird? Don't you kill things all the time?


Ranger: It's weird for you to ask! Why do you want to die, anyway?

Phil: I've been standing over there longer than I can remember, holding a beer I can't put down.

Phil: Have you ever had a hand cramp? Imagine if it never went away.


Phil: But the worst part is, this is the first time anyone's talked to me in weeks. The Hero asked me a question, and all I said was "hic". I could die from the embarrassment alone.

Cheryl: Gods, just shoot him already.