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228. Healing Potion

Teaser: In which the Ranger goes shopping for a healing potion, and has to adjust his expectations to match the neighbourhood.



Karen: You're back! Have you changed your mind and brought me a monster for the arena?

Ranger: For the last time, I'm not enslaving monsters for you! I need a healing potion that will heal at least 30 HP.


Karen: I only sell Minor Healing Potions, they heal 10 HP.

Ranger: What? Why? They had regular Healing Potions in Springhaven.

Karen: Well maybe you should go to Springhaven then.


Ranger: Right, you just stock what sells. How have they been selling, by the way?

Karen: They were selling like hotcakes until a week ago, not much since then. But I'm sure demand will bounce back.


Ranger: I wouldn't count on it. Your customer's doing his shopping in Springhaven now.

Karen: Look, do you want the potions or not?

Ranger: Fine, I guess I'll take three.