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229. Distraction

Teaser: In which Cheryl encourages Phil to talk to the Captain as a distraction, and it certainly is that.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Terry, Cheryl, Phil


Captain: Aaah!

Cheryl: Try not to move. And let's talk about something to take your mind off it. Terry, what's new with you?

Terry: Other than being invicible? Not much.


Phil: I have something I've been meaning to ask the Captain.

Cheryl: Perfect, go for it.


Phil: You know how the guard uniforms used to have red on the shoulders and cuffs?

Captain: Did they?


Phil: Yes, it was the same colour as your cape. This was back around the time of the Goblin War, there was a stripe at the wrist and the whole shoulder plate was red. Although back then your cape was a deeper shade of red, more crimson rather than scarlet, but that's a separate question.

Captain: What was the first question?