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232. Ground Rules

Teaser: In which Cheryl lays out some ground rules for Phil to stay in the tavern, which he immediately violates the spirit of.

TAVERN INTERIOR Captain, Terry, Cheryl, Phil


Cheryl: Phil, I think you need to leave the tavern.

Phil: Please don't kick me out, I have nowhere else to go.


Cheryl: Not forever, just to get some fresh air, see something new to talk about.

Phil: This is the only place where I fit in. And not just because of the beer in my hand.


Phil: I promise I'll shut up and stand by the fireplace like before, just don't make me leave!

Cheryl: You can stay, and you can talk, just not about uniforms, okay?

Phil: Okay.


Phil: You know, your skirt used to be shorter, what made you--

Cheryl: Phil!