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241. Peculiar

Teaser: In which Isabella mentions that it's peculiar that the Captain spends all his time at the tavern, and Lizzy agrees in her way.

RIVER EXTERIOR Isabella, Lizzy


Isabella: So where are we going?

Lizzy: We'll poke our heads in th'tavern first, s'where he does most o' his loiterin'.


Isabella: Not at the castle with the rest of the guard?

Lizzy: No, but now you mention it that's right peculiar.


Lizzy: I ain't seen him up at the castle in weeks, 'less he's got some ulteryish motivatin'.

Lizzy: Mind you, I's s'posed t'be up there m'self, so it'd be hypocratic o' me holdin' it against him.



Isabella: If he knows I'm looking for him, he'd have to be an idiot to still be here.

Lizzy: That's a uncontravenable fact, an' it's why we's checkin' here first.