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242. Divided

Teaser: In which Isabella meets the rest of the gang, and exposes their divided loyalties.

TAVERN INTERIOR Isabella, Lizzy, Terry, Ranger, Cheryl


Lizzy: 'Oy all, this here's... well come to it I ain't actu'lly knowed her name, but she's lookin' for the Cap'n.

Isabella: I'm Isabella, I work for the Quest Guild.


Cheryl: As you can see, he isn't here.

Isabella: No, I didn't really think he would be.


Terry: And we won't tell you where he is. Or we wouldn't, if we knew. Which we don't.

Isabella: That makes me think you DO know, but I'm already getting more help than I expected.


Ranger: Why ARE you helping her? I would've thought you'd have more loyalty than that.

Lizzy: Oh I gots loyalty alright. She's part o' th'workin' class jus' like us, where's th'Captain's a lit'ral soldier o' the aristocracers. S'called solidaryin'.