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276. Spell

Teaser: In which Terry theorizes that the Arch Fiend may have cast a spell to make the monsters stronger, and is rightly mocked for suggesting something so far fetched.

TAVERN EXTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Terry, Cheryl, Evan


Cheryl: So this dragon's soul explodes with enough power to make a volcano, but nobody feels it except Evan?

Captain: Well, we did get knocked down. Who's to say if that was the soul or the volcano?

Cheryl: True, we just missed out on the helpful part.


Terry: Maybe the Ice Dragon dying didn't cause Evan to get stronger, directly. Maybe the Arch Fiend was mad about the dragon dying, and cast a spell that made all the monsters stronger.


Cheryl: Don't be stupid, Terry. If the Arch Fiend had a spell that makes monsters stronger, he would've cast it right away instead of waiting till the Hero was strong enough to kill a dragon. You don't keep that kind of thing in your pocket.


Ranger: Hells, if he had that spell he'd just cast it all the time, until every monster is huge and powerful.

Terry: Maybe he did, and that's how come Evan's as big as your head. You ever seen a regular bat? They're tiny.