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277. Corroboration

Teaser: In which Terry muses that it would help if another monster could provide corroboration for Evan's claims, and the Ranger takes it poorly.

TAVERN EXTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Terry, Cheryl


Captain: We don't even know for sure that all of the monsters got stronger, it could just be Evan. Maybe he's "important to the story" and this is his perk, like how Terry's invincible.

Terry: It's too bad there isn't another monster we could ask, for comparison.


Ranger: You did not just say it's too bad there aren't more monsters in town.

Terry: Why not? Evan hasn't caused any trouble.


Ranger: Do you really want this village overrun with monsters? We already don't have enough beds and you just want to let more in?

Terry: Evan doesn't sleep in a bed. If it's purely about crowding, he's had less impact than you moving here.


Ranger: Now you're saying you'd pick him over me?! He's a monster!

Terry: He's attacked less people than you have.

Cheryl: Got you there.