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297. Conversation

Teaser: In which Phil is challenged about his conversation with the Hero, or lack thereof.

TAVERN INTERIOR Cheryl, Captain, Terry, Ranger, Phil


Cheryl: What is that key for, a hundred foot tall door? And how did the Hero know you had it?

Phil: I... don't know. I don't think I really thought about it before the Hero asked me.


Cheryl: Well, what did he ask you? I didn't hear him say anything.

Phil: I... don't remember that either. But he must've asked me something, right?

Cheryl: Must he?


Phil: He had to, I wouldn't just tell a stranger "This has been in my family for generations" out of the blue. That's not how you start a conversation.

Cheryl: How do you even start a conversation where that's the response?

Phil: I dunno, "Do you have a key?"


Cheryl: So he just goes around asking people "Do you have a key" like he's playing real-life Go Fish, and it works? Hey Terry, do you have a cheese sandwich?

Terry: ...no?

Cheryl: Damn.