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299. Whisper

Teaser: In which the Ranger theorizes that the Hero must simply whisper, but Cheryl remains unconvinced.

TAVERN INTERIOR Cheryl, Captain, Terry, Ranger, Phil


Cheryl: Ranger, you travelled around with the Hero. You must've heard him talk to people.

Ranger: Actually, I didn't. But I was at the back of the line, I just assumed he talked really quiet.


Cheryl: What, so he'd just go around whispering to strangers?

Ranger: I guess?


Cheryl: So quiet you couldn't hear him from a couple feet away? And that didn't strike you as odd?

Ranger: Honestly, it was less weird than wandering aimlessly in the forest, waiting to be attacked. Even if I couldn't hear him, I could figure out what he was saying from context.


Cheryl: Okay, so he was whispering, but people would answer him full volume?

Ranger: What's your explanation, then? That he didn't say anything, but all sorts of people had full conversations with him anyway? Like he's a cat?