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300. Expert Opinion

Teaser: In which Cheryl asks the Captain for his expert opinion, but all she gets is disappointed.

TAVERN INTERIOR Cheryl, Captain, Terry, Ranger, Phil


Cheryl: Captain, anything to contribute?

Captain: Mmm... what?


Cheryl: We were just talking about how nobody has heard the Hero speak. Do you have a theory?

Captain: Um... maybe he mumbles?

Cheryl: That's it?! You've examined all the available facts and your expert opinion is "maybe he mumbles"?


Captain: I guess he could've lost his voice, like from yelling?

Cheryl: So your new theory is nobody ever hears him... because he yells too much?!


Captain: Or from magic! It could be a curse! The Arch Fiend--

Cheryl: You can't just blame everything bad that happens on the Arch Fiend! Is it the Arch Fiend's fault we don't have any food?

Captain: It could be!

Cheryl: Alright, bad example.