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301. Bona Fides

Teaser: In which the Captain tries to defend his investigative bona fides, but Cheryl isn't buying what he's selling.

TAVERN INTERIOR Cheryl, Captain, Terry, Ranger, Phil


Cheryl: You know Captain, for the supposed champion of the law, you don't seem much interested in actually solving crimes.

Captain: What are you talking about? I've solved every crime this town has ever had!


Cheryl: Like...

Captain: The Ranger's stolen armour!

Cheryl: As I recall, the Ranger told you who stole it, basically right away.

Captain: Okay, but we investigated!


Cheryl: And did you get the armour back?

Captain: No, but--

Cheryl: And the person who committed the crime, has he been arrested?


Captain: Well, obviously when it's the Hero, there are complicating--

Cheryl: So when you say "solved" you're speaking in very broad terms. Perhaps so broad it includes "not solved."