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302. Cross-Examination

Teaser: In which the Captain brings up another case, but withers under Cheryl's cross-examination.

TAVERN INTERIOR Cheryl, Captain, Terry, Ranger, Phil


Cheryl: So to summarize, you didn't return the stolen item and you didn't put anyone in prison, but you still count that case as solved.

Captain: Okay fine, what about the guy who IS in prison? Does that case meet your standards?


Cheryl: Alright, let's talk about that. What was the crime?

Captain: He stole an apple.


Cheryl: Did you find the apple?

Captain: No, but he could've eaten--

Cheryl: Did anybody see him take it?


Captain: No, but--

Cheryl: So in one case you know who did it but didn't arrest him, and in the other you have no idea who did it and arrested somebody anyway.

Cheryl: Gotta be honest Cap, you would've been better off just agreeing that you aren't interested in solving crimes.