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321. Religion

Teaser: In which the Priest explains that even though religion is a science, it isn't the kind of science where you find out things.

CHURCH INTERIOR Priest, Captain, Ranger


Priest: It doesn't have to be a weighing device, we could start with something simple like putting all their blood in a big pot and marking the side.

Ranger: That's not the point, why don't you just ask your gods how happy Terry is?


Priest: It doesn't work like that!

Captain: Why not? As favours go, answering a simple question seems a lot easier than bringing someone back from the dead.


Priest: The gods don't answer "simple questions," and I have no way to ask. I communicate through rituals and offerings.

Captain: Alright, so do a ritual where you ask how happy Terry is.


Priest: It could take a lifetime to devise the ritual, if such a thing is even possible!

Ranger: Gotta be honest, those guys breeding faster horses are looking better the longer you talk.