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322. Paternity

Teaser: In which Cheryl corrects some gossip about Emma's paternity, and scores points in the process.

MARKET INTERIOR Karen, Shopkeeper, Cheryl, Terry


Karen: ...so Lizzy gave him swat with that broom of hers, and ever since Don and Phyllis are never home at the same time.

Shopkeeper: I hear they ain't even speakin' to each other! And not just 'cause Phyllis only ever talks about tomatoes.


Karen: Well I hear that the Ranger is actually the father of Susan's daughter!

Shopkeeper: Really?


Cheryl: No, Emma's father is the Thief.

Shopkeeper: Really?!

Karen: Where did you hear that from?


Cheryl: From... me? We were dating when he knocked up Susan.

Shopkeeper: Whoa!

Karen: Alright. I wasn't sure about you at first, but you're alright.