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324. Psychic

Teaser: In which the girls discuss whether the Hero might be psychic, an idea which the Shopkeeper is super into.

MARKET INTERIOR Karen, Shopkeeper, Cheryl


Karen: So he doesn't talk, that's your big mystery?

Cheryl: Not just that! Phil had a blue dot over his head, which is a whole other thing, and the Hero walked right up to him, didn't say anything, and then Phil babbled something about a family heirloom and handed over a giant key.


Karen: Why would he do that?

Cheryl: I don't know! PHIL doesn't know! It's like he knew Phil had the key somehow, and then made Phil give it to him without talking.


Karen: Do you think he's psychic?

Cheryl: He could be! But not like just putting his voice in your head, because somebody would remember that. More like he can make people do things.


Shopkeeper: I wouldn't mind if he made me do things.

Karen: Brittany, you're horrible!

Shopkeeper: What? He's strong, dashin' an' dangerous. All's I'm sayin' is he wouldn't have to ask, psychic or not.