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325. Fantasy

Teaser: In which Brittany expands upon her Hero fantasy, and Karen is scandalized (but not about that).

MARKET INTERIOR Karen, Brittany, Cheryl


Karen: What about the other three that always follow the Hero around? You'd just let him have his way in front of them?

Brittany: Unless they wanted to join in.


Karen: Brittany!

Brittany: All I gots to do all day is stand around thinkin' thoughts, an' some of those thoughts is about what forbidden arts that magic lady might know.

Karen: You're shameless!


Brittany: And I'd wager that thief has nimble fingers.

Cheryl: Actually, I think Karen is more his type.

Karen: Me? Why?!


Cheryl: I mean, he already got his leg over with Susan, and the two of you--

Karen: We're nothing alike!