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326. Mystery

Teaser: In which Cheryl explains the mystery of the dots, and Karen gets interested in the investigation.

MARKET INTERIOR Karen, Brittany, Cheryl


Karen: Alright, that's quite enough of your lecherous fantasies, Brittany. You said something about a dot?

Cheryl: Hmm? Oh, right, the dot.


Cheryl: Dots, actually. Phil had a blue one that we all saw, and Susan had a yellow one, that only the Ranger saw.

Brittany: Mmm... that Ranger could--

Karen: Brittany, focus!


Cheryl: According to the Ranger, the dots tell the Hero who to talk to. Which makes sense, because after he talked to Phil it disappeared.

Karen: And you're wondering who's putting them there?


Cheryl: Exactly. I mean if somebody knows who the Hero can talk to to learn everything he needs to know, that means they know what he needs to know...

Karen: ...so why doesn't that person just tell the Hero themself and save him a lot of unnecessary running around? I see your point.