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328. Wizard

Teaser: In which the girls discuss the potential motives of the theoretical wizard, or perhaps even wizards.

MARKET INTERIOR Karen, Brittany, Cheryl


Cheryl: The dots were obviously magic, Evan suddenly getting stronger when the ground shook is probably magic. So this mysterious wizard is what ties everything together.

Brittany: If the wizard is tryin' to help the Hero, why would he make a monster stronger?


Karen: Right. And if he knows what everyone else knows, why would he make a monster stronger who quit being a monster?

Cheryl: I mean, why is he doing any of this?


Karen: Sounds to me like there's two wizards, one who's smart but weak, and one who's dumb and powerful.

Brittany: An' the smart one's tryin' to lead the Hero into messin' with the strong one.


Cheryl: I don't even know how to find one wizard, never mind two!

Brittany: They're probably brothers. Makin' all this trouble 'cause of some dumb rivalry sounds like somethin' my brothers would do.