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337. Unsuspicious

Teaser: In which the boys change tack and try to identify the most unsuspicious person they know, and it's exactly who you'd suspect.

CHURCH INTERIOR Priest, Captain, Ranger


Ranger: If a monster or a wizard were really disguised as a person, wouldn't they pick someone less obvious than Pete or Lizzy? I mean, Pete LOOKS like a wizard.

Captain: What are you saying?


Ranger: Well, if they've managed to maintain their disguise this whole time, it would have to be someone we wouldn't suspect.

Priest: Good thinking! So, who would you least suspect?


Ranger & Captain: Terry.

Priest: Alright, now we're getting somewhere! And what makes this Terry so trustworthy? Is he a pillar of the community, always doing good deeds for his fellow citizens?


Captain: No, it's more what he doesn't do, which is... really, anything.

Ranger: Right, I don't know what this monster's secret plan is, but I can't picture Terry doing it. Unless it's just to kinda hang out.