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343. Fishing Expedition

Teaser: In which the Captain goes on a fishing expedition, but nobody is biting.

FOUNTAIN EXTERIOR Cheryl, Terry, Crazy Pete, Captain, Ranger


Captain: So, where are we headed next?

Cheryl: I don't know, I guess that depends who your next witness is. Who is it?


Captain: Oh right, of course. We wanted to talk to the, uh... Chamberlain?

Cheryl: Well, you'd best get going, it's a fair walk to the castle.


Captain: Who is your next witness?

Cheryl: Whyever do you ask, I thought you trusted me?


Captain: Of course, just idle curiosity.

Ranger: Terry, would you like to come with us? It's a chance to see the castle.

Terry: Oh that's ok, I already went to the castle when we thought you needed rescuing. Thanks for thinking of me, though!