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353. Morality

Teaser: In which the NPCs discusses the morality of stealing from NPCs, and not surprisingly they take a dim view.

BOARDING HOUSE INTERIOR Cheryl, Terry, Lizzy, Captain, Ranger


Ranger: Great, now I'm going to have to buy ANOTHER suit of armour. Between that and the Captain's healing potions I'll barely have any money left!

Captain: Are you complaining about the money? I can still take you to jail for shooting me, you know.


Cheryl: Why'd you just leave your armour lying around, anyway?

Ranger: Because it's heavy and I don't need to wear it all the time.


Ranger: And because it's my house! What kind of person just walks into someone else's house and rummages around?

Cheryl: Fair point, that is psychopath behaviour.


Lizzy: It surely shows a anti-societal attitude, like they ain't even seen you as a person deservin' o' th'basic respect they expect outta others.

Cheryl: They probably weren't held enough as a baby.