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360. Secret Monster

Teaser: In which Cheryl dissects the Ranger's theory that Terry is a secret monster, and finds a few flaws.

BOARDING HOUSE INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Lizzy, Cheryl, Terry


Lizzy: Ranger, tell it from the beginnin'.



Cheryl: Alright, this might actually be too dumb for me to wrap my head around. Basically, you think all the weird stuff is being caused by a monster shaman hiding in town.

Ranger: Right.


Cheryl: And you think Terry is this secret monster, because he's never done anything suspicious or evil.

Ranger: Exactly, he's careful!

Cheryl: Has it occurred to you that by that standard, anyone in town could be a secret monster?


Cheryl: In fact, you could be the only human in the world, surrounded by monsters wearing human skin.

Ranger: Holy shit! What do I do?!

Cheryl: I dunno. Die, probably.