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361. Fatal Flaw

Teaser: In which Cheryl points out a fatal flaw in the Captain and Ranger's plan to unmask the monster, which is that they'd die.

BOARDING HOUSE INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Lizzy, Cheryl, Terry


Cheryl: Okay, so just so I'm clear, you think Terry is a monster, and your plan was to force him to reveal that?

Ranger: There's more to it than that, but basically.


Cheryl: And that doesn't seem at all reckless or foolhardy to you?

Ranger: How do you mean?


Cheryl: Terry, what would you do if you actually were a monster and the Captain threatened you?

Terry: Gosh, I don't know. I suppose if I was big enough I'd bite his head off.

Captain: What?!


Cheryl: You wouldn't use the Ranger's bow if it was sitting there?

Terry: I've never fired a bow, so I think I'd stick with my teeth or talons or whatever I grew up with. A crisis isn't the time to learn new skills.