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362. Direct Approach

Teaser: In which Cheryl advocates a more direct approach, and the Ranger loses his bravado.

BOARDING HOUSE INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Lizzy, Cheryl, Terry


Cheryl: Alright, give Terry your bow.

Ranger: What?!


Cheryl: That was the point of your whole dumb scheme, wasn't it? To get him to pick up your bow? So hand it to him.

Captain: He said he'd bite my head off!


Cheryl: If you give him the bow and nothing bad happens, that means he isn't a monster, right?

Ranger: But if he IS a monster he'll kill us!


Cheryl: It's your plan, how did you think it was gonna go? Were you planning on unmasking a monster in the middle of town and then inviting it for tea?

Cheryl: I'm fine either way, as long as it shuts you up.