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383. Babies

Teaser: In which Cheryl and Tessa discuss where babies come from, or rather where they ought to come from.

TAVERN EXTERIOR Tessa, Terry, Cheryl


Cheryl: So goblins don't give birth to other goblins, or hatch out of goblin eggs? They're all created by evil magic?

Tessa: What'th efil about it?


Cheryl: I mean... creating life, it's unnatural.

Tessa: Eferything a withard doeth ith unnatural! Thummoning lightning, turning infithible, none of it'th natural. Creating life ith a lot leth efil than a fireball.


Cheryl: But that's not how it's supposed to happen! It's supposed to be that a man and a woman fall in love--

Tessa: Making babieth ithn't why people haff thekth.


Cheryl: Maybe not, but it's a natural consequence when they do.

Tessa: Withardth haff thekth too. And thometimeth afterward a goblin getth created. You can pretend it'th related if that helpth.