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384. Parents

Teaser: In which Cheryl and Tessa debate the inherent value of parents, or lack thereof.

TAVERN EXTERIOR Tessa, Terry, Cheryl


Cheryl: I just think every child deserves to be raised by parents who love them, not a wizard using them in some mad scheme.

Tessa: Ith efery child with parentth luffed? Doeth efery child efen haff parentth?


Cheryl: Well no, but they should!

Tessa: Nobody maketh a goblin by acthident, and no goblin ith unwanted.


Cheryl: But they're trained from birth to fight and kill, they have no choice!

Tessa: What about your human adfenturerth? They grew up with luffing parentth and they kill more people than any monthter I know.


Tessa: Nobody forthed them, it'th their choithe to murder conthtantly. Doeth that make it leth efil?

Cheryl: No, when you put it like that it sounds more evil.