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389. Monster Afterlife

Teaser: In which Evan describes the monster afterlife, or at least where they go when they die, and it's basically like the DMV.



Goblin: Why don't you want to fight?

Evan: Haff you efer been in a fight?


Goblin: Just in the academy, but it was a lot of fun.

Evan: Of courthe it'th fun when all you're doing ith practithing your attack mofe. But then the other guy getth to do hith attack, and that ithn't fun at all!


Evan: And if you're fighting the Hero, there are four of them, and they all get to attack you. You could die without efer efen doing your attack!

Goblin: You've... died?


Evan: Yeth, and it thuckth. One thecond you're being thtabbed and the nektht you're in the Guild hall with thomeone athking you about your thtatithticth.

Goblin: Well that sounds--

Evan: And then they jam cointh down your throat and thend you right back to the thite of your own murder.