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394. No Show

Teaser: In which Larry refuses to accept the possibility that the Hero could be a no show, and this time it's personal.

FOREST EXTERIOR Evan, Stacey, Larry


Larry: What do you mean he's not coming?

Evan: He'th on the other thide of the mountainth. Do you remember when the ground thook?


Larry: Of course, that was the day I changed colour.

Evan: Thuppothedly that happened becauthe he killed a dragon in the folcano. He'th dayth away, with who knowth how many cafeth and ruinth between him and thith one.


Larry: He has to come, otherwise why am I here? Why did I spend my whole life training?

Evan: I know it thuckth, but it'th jutht a job.

Larry: It's NOT just a job, this was my chance to avenge my parents!


Evan: The Hero killed your parentth?! And they thtayed dead?

Larry: Humans did, so unless you know where else I can get my hands on some humans, he has to come and meet his fate.

Evan: Umm...