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424. Showdown

Teaser: In which Don confronts Tessa (who he thinks is Evan), but it isn't quite the epic showdown he was expecting.

FOUNTAIN EXTERIOR Tessa, Cheryl, Don, Guard


Don: There it is! Come on lads, time to earn your keep!

Guard: I don't know, the Captain said not to attack it.


Don: What?! It's a monster! You're here to protect the town from monsters, protect us from THIS monster!

Guard: The Captain was pretty clear. An' it ain't exactly bein' aggressive.


Don: Fine, if you won't do your duty I'll take care of this filth myself.

Cheryl: Don, what in the hells is wrong with you?!


Don: Begone from this town, foul creature, or I'll--

Tessa: Or you'll what, break your hip at me? You thure flap your mouth a lot for thomeone with herbifore teeth, old man.