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425. Keep the Peace

Teaser: In which Don and Tessa get into a shouting match loud enough that the Captain has to come to keep the peace.

FOUNTAIN EXTERIOR Tessa, Cheryl, Don, Guard, Captain


Don: Old, am I? I'm not too old to knock some respect into some uppity little fiend!

Tessa: How're you gonna thwing your thtick and thtand up at the thame time? A thtraw dummy from the academy would be more of a challenge.



Captain: What's all this commotion? You, guards! Why are you just standing there?

Guard: Um... Chamberlain just told us to make sure Don don't go back in the castle, didn't say nothin' 'bout stoppin' him gettin' hurt.


Captain: You're supposed to keep the peace! Does letting Don yell loud enough to hear on the other side of the river seem like peace to you?

Guard: Didn't seem right to arrest him again, sir, him bein' the Hero of Brython's Ford an' all.


Captain: Hero?! Don wasn't at Brython's Ford, he never even joined the army!

Guard: He didn't? Then how'd he injure his leg?

Captain: He fell out of a tree trying to hide from his alchemy tutor. And then it didn't heal properly because he kept sneaking out of bed to steal sweets.