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68. Break In

Teaser: In which the Ranger attempts his first break in, but meets with unexpected resistance from his gang.

ABANDONED HOUSE EXTERIOR NIGHT Terry, Ranger, Cheryl wearing masks and all black


Cheryl: Why do we have to wear masks? I can't see anything.

Terry: Because we're breaking and entering.


Cheryl: It's your house! You're allowed to break into your own house.

Terry (pointing): I'm Terry, it's his house.


Ranger: Quiet you two, are you trying to get us caught?

Cheryl: We aren't doing anything wrong! This is stupid, I'm taking the mask off.

Terry: Me too, I have sweat in my ears.


TERRY AND CHERYL without masks

Ranger: Fine, but if you get caught, you've never met me.

Cheryl: Dude, the Captain saw you give us the masks.