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149. Deeper

Teaser: In which the Captain and the Ranger venture deeper into the cave, which turns out to be a bit of an anticlimax.

CAVE INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Guards, Susan's Daughter


Captain: I see her!

Ranger: That didn't take long.


CAVE END INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Guards, Susan's daughter

Captain: Little girl, we've come to rescue you.

Girl: You're not him!


Captain: What? Who? We're here to take you home!

Girl (arms crossed): The lady told me to wait here for the handsome man and that's what I'm doing.


Captain: Aren't you tired of this damp cave? Why don't you come with us?

Susan's Daughter: You're not handsome enough.

Ranger: Wow, rude. Accurate, but rude.