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371. Wandering Monster

Teaser: In which Tessa reveals that she was a wandering monster, and still is, in a sense.

TAVERN EXTERIOR Tessa, Terry, Cheryl


Cheryl: Is it okay for you to just run off like this?

Tessa: How do you mean?


Cheryl: Well, when Evan showed up a woman came and tried everything short of brute force to get him to go back in the cave.

Tessa: I wathn't athigned to a fanthy quetht like Efan, I wath told to jutht kind of wander around.


Tessa: Which ith what I'm thtill doing, if anyone athkth. Jutht a little further than I'm thuppothed to.

Cheryl: Your job is to just wander around?


Tessa: We were thuppothed to attack the Hero if we thaw him, but I only did that onthe.

Tessa: They cut off both my wingth and thtabbed me in the throat. After that I mothtly chathed birdth and gambled.