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173. Daylight

Teaser: In which the Captain tries to delicately bring up the topic of daylight, which isn't the problem he thinks it is.

CAVE END INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Guard, Female Guard, Emma, Evan


Emma (arms crossed): You're my best friend and you're coming to live with me or else I'm not going.

Evan: I gueth I'm coming with you.


Captain: But where will you sleep?

Ranger: He can't stay in my boarding house, sorry. No offence, but I don't trust you.


Evan: I don't need a bed, I can jutht hang in a tree.

Captain: But what about during the day? The sun...?


Evan: I'll clothe my eyeth?

Evan: I'm jutht a regular bat, I'm not a fampire. Where do you think thith ith, Effermere?