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284. Chain of Command

Teaser: In which Don searches for a logical break in the chain of command, but finds out it's circular.

THRONE ROOM INTERIOR Don, King, Queen, Guard, Chamberlain


Don: You can't seriously be arresting me.

Guard: The King says arrest you, we arrest you. That's the job.


Don: But he's clearly lost his mind!

Guard: He's still the King.


Don: But I'm not a monster! Obviously!

Guard: If the King says you's a monster, then you's a monster. Legally speakin'.


Don: So you're perfectly happy arresting innocent people on the orders of a madman?!

Guard: You says he's a madman, he says you's a monster. If we didn't work for him, maybe he's a madman. But we do, so you's a monster.

Guard 2: An' you'll be a quiet monster if you don't wanna be a bleedin' monster.