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166. Guild Benefits

Teaser: In which the Lamplighter theorizes that Evan may have forfeited certain guild benefits, which he very much wants to keep.

CAVE END INTERIOR Captain, Ranger, Guard, Female Guard, Emma, Lamplighter, Evan


Evan: Why in the hellth can't I fight him? If anyone efer detherfed to die, it'th that tarted up farmboy.

Lamplighter: Could be once you left your assigned area, you're no longer part of the quest and don't take part in quest activities, like fighting.


Evan: Okay, tho we jutht go back up the caffe a bit and thettle thith.

Ranger: I'm not letting you kill me if I could die, get that through your rabies-addled brain.


Lamplighter: Could also be you ain't covered by Guild benefits, neither. Like resurrection, fer'xample.

Evan: What? Firtht you murder me and then you thteal my immortality? What ith your problem?!


Ranger: We don't know for sure you won't get resurrected. Hold still and I'll test it.

Evan: Ha ha. If you could thtart a battle we wouldn't be talking.